To begin with...

To begin with, I DID begin - a few times. I've written some blubbering thoughts, not worth much I'm sure, and my silly website needed fixing again. So I lost them. No loss.

So, my new SCBWI (Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) illustrator/writer group - the 'Squiby Bookcrafters' - is ever so encouraging and motivating! I had completed a few rounds of writing, tossed them, and started over each time. This time I got it. A lovely pencil draft storyboard is done, and I'm very comfortable with the text finally.

Whoohoo! I'm headed off to another workshop on 'Revision' in Grand Junction next week. Lord willing, the plan is to share a character study painting this weekend here, and work on the rest of the book this year. Gosh, I'd LOVE to finish it by next spring...

Wish me luck!