BEST birthday ever - at the SCBWI Conference!

Oliver Doesn't Notice

Oh my gosh - the most MAGNIFICENT birthday ever! This weekend I not only attended my first SCBWI conference (Rocky Mountain Chapter), but it happened to be my BIG birthday (yikes!), AND I won the illustrator contest!!!

My character painting of Oliver will go on their website, next year's conference T-shirts, tote bags, and folders - and will be the cover image for calenders being sent out to agents and publishers at the end of this year!!!! You can buy them, too. Agggh - freakin awesome!!

ALSO, my own book dummy of 'Oliver Doesn't Notice' survived its first critique very favorably by a big-time publisher's editor (Candlewick Press)!! Alright, a few minor things need to be tweaked, but he said, "You made this? Very nice. You're very strong in page layout and action." (thanks to Will Terry's course on Creative Composition!). Phew.

I got to chat with AVI (yes!), and Selina Yoon (who rocked my artist's world!), and attended many amazing sessions filled with expertise - and it was all amazing! After 20 years of change/growth/development, folks, it looks like 'I'M BAAAACK" in the book business.

Pssst! Look for something else to hit the shelves around August....